Thursday, January 31, 2008

2007 Christmas Program

This is Brady's Christmas Program. Trying to find him is like trying to find "Where's Waldo?" He is the one that is behind the little girl in the red dress jumping around. During the middle of the video, he comes to the front of the stage looking out into the crowd trying to find his mommy and daddy but had no luck. He has a green guitar and shakes his little hips like cute! My little choo choo train man with his little hat on!

This is Anabelle's Christmas Program with her preschool class. She is strumming her little guitar singing "Run Run Rudolph...Santa's Gonna Make it to Town." At midpoint of the video, she sees me in the crowd and her smile lights up the room!! She was so happy to have found me in the crowd, and it brought a tear to my eye seeing how excited she was to have finally found her mommy! I just love their programs!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Chapstick Queen

After having three posts on Brady, I feel I have neglected my first born! So...let me introduce her....Anabelle...the Chapstick Queen.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Scott's Open House

Today we went to a get together for Scott, who will be leaving for Iraq in a couple of weeks. While we were there, Brady pushed Grandma Leah's Lifeline button and a call was immediately placed. A woman answered the call needing to know the emergency. Gail quickly responded, "Oh it was just an accident. We are just having a party here and a little boy accidentally pushed the button." Only Brady! He is always pushing buttons and trying to see how stuff works!

Be careful out there Scott! We will all see you upon your return in the fall! We will miss you!

Playing in the Snow

Yesterday, Jason wanted to make a snowman with Brady, but the snow was just not good enough to "pack." This would have been Brady's first snowman too!
So since the snow wasn't right to make a snowman, it was perfect to go sledding...also a first for Brady. YEAH! He was so happy!
Then it was Daddy's turn!

Some may wonder where was Anabelle?? She was inside taking a nap. We did not dare tell her how much fun that daddy and Brady had out in the snow or show her the pictures because we would NEVER hear the end of it!! :)

Haircut Time

It's that time again...Time for Brady to get a haircut!!



Will be back again for the haircut in about six weeks!