Sunday, August 31, 2008

Anabelle's Piggy Tails

One night last week, after I bathed the kids, Jason took over hair duty so that I could jump in the shower. When I got done, I was surprised to see Anabelle in cute little piggy tails. He did such a good job!

Birthday Party Fun

Last weekend, we went to Kyra's 8th birthday party. I can't believe that she is eight years old already! It was a fun time, and the food was awesome! Stacy's dad made a fantastic strawberry lettuce salad that was delicious!!

The kids had fun playing with all of the other kids, batting at the pinata, eating cake and ice cream, jumping on the trampoline, and taking rides in the wagon.

Here are some pics from the party...

Brady jumping on the trampoline with his daddy


The bouncing bean

Landin (aka Peanut), Paige, Noah, Anabelle, Kyra and Brady

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Soccer Game #2

Today was Anabelle's second soccer game. It was a hot, humid August day. She did a great job! She had her first try at being goalie, and both times the ball came her way, she blocked it!! YEAH!! Her team ended up losing (3-1), but when they are that little who really cares anyway? It is just so fun to watch them and cheer them on. One of her coaches came up to me at the end of the game and asked if I saw her when she gave the ball a really good kick. I must have missed it when I was tending to Brady...shoot!

It is really nice to meet all the parents and to make new friends. I sat by Kim during the game. Her, her husband, and two kids are neighbors to our good friends Danny and Jenny. We all actually went trick or treating together last year, so it is nice to see her again and to chat. I was helping her keep track of who made goals because she was the lucky one to be picked as the publicity parent.

After the game, I let Anabelle know how proud of her I was and what a good job she did! I treated the kids to McDonald's, and then we took a trip to the grocery store. It was the first time that I've been back to the store with the kids since Brady had his little episode there a few weeks ago. They were wonderful for this shopping trip! YEAH!!

Now we are off to a birthday's a busy busy weekend for us!

Here are some pics of our day (so far)!

Anabelle on the bench taking a break

Anabelle posing her favorite pose

Kim's son, Carter, and Belle

Wore out!

My sleepy little soccer player!

Boots in August??

So yesterday, Anabelle wanted to wear her dressy boots to school because her friend wore some red cowboy boots to school the other day. Once Brady saw Anabelle wearing her boots, he started digging through the closet to find his winter boots. He wanted to wear boots too, so we left the house yesterday morning with both kids wearing boots.

Once we arrived at school, Anabelle immediately wanted to take her boots off and put her flip flops on, so she did. But, Brady wanted to leave his winter boots on, so I let him. I put his sandals in his basket just in case he wanted to change into them during the day. I'm sure some people probably wondered why Brady had his winter boots on yesterday, which was a hot August day, but if it saves an argument in the morning, I am all up for it!! He can wear WHATEVER he wants! :)

I really should have took a picture of the kids because they looked so cute and funny, but there is not much time in the morning.

New Bikes

Last weekend, Jason and I took the kids to Walmart and bought them new bikes. It was time to buy Brady a big boy bike because Jason didn't like the idea of him riding Belle's purple and pink one. So...we got him a really cool yellow Tonka 12/14" bike and Anabelle got a 16" girly purple princess bike. They love them!

The first time Anabelle rode hers, she fell twice. The next day, I made sure that the kids rode them again for fear that Anabelle wouldn't want nothing more to do with her new bike. They rode great. Anabelle just wants me to walk right along side of her so that she doesn't fall again.

Brady calls his bike his "taco" bike...just can't say Tonka I guess, so it's his Taco! :)

Here are some pics!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Anabelle's 1st Soccer Game

This morning was Anabelle's first soccer game. It was against her "boyfriend" Ashton's team. I started getting things ready an hour before the game so I wouldn't be running late, but of course I got there only a few minutes before the game started when they were supposed to be there 15 minutes early. Oops! Anabelle was complaining that her tummy was hurting so I mader her sit on the toilet for awhile, but no luck. So, we headed out and all of a sudden her tummy felt better.

I was on the road when my cell phone rang. It was Jason asking where the heck I was because Anabelle's team was on the field getting ready. I was shocked to hear that he was there because he was supposed to be at work. He totally surprised me and the kids! He left work to see our little girl's first soccer game....awww!

Then as we set our chairs up and sat down, my brother Danny, sister-in-law Sharon, and nephew Drake showed up. I couldn't believe it! The kids and I were so happy! Jason had kept it a secret from me that Danny and him were coming to the game. What a nice surprise!!

We were all cheering Anabelle on. She did pretty good for her first game, but her team lost...1-2. There is always next time! :) After the game, all of the kids on her team got a snack bag of two types of snacks and a juice box, so they were all happy. My turn to do snack bags is Sept 6th, so that will be fun.

After the game, all of the parents received their fundraiser box of candy to sell, so our box will be going to work with Jason on Monday before I start to get in it!

Carnival Day

Yesterday at daycare, the kids had Carnival Day...the last big hoorah of summer daycare. They had face painting, popsicles, snow cones, cotton candy, and prizes. They looked so cute when I picked them up. Anabelle had her face painted in green and blue. She was a kitty cat, and Brady was a leopard of which he corrected me when I called him a lion. He said, "No, I'm a leopard." Anabelle also received some prizes...a ring and vampire teeth.

Here is a picture of my little leopoard and my vampire kitty cat:

Next week, Brady and Anabelle both move up to their next classes...the 3 and 4 year old rooms. Whenever they move up to a bigger class, it just makes me think how much time really does fly. I still remember like it was yesterday when Jason and I took a "tour" of the daycare, and that was three years ago!

Brady and Anabelle also start preschool next week...together! I would love to be a fly on the wall one day just to see and hear how they interact with each other with being in the same class. It would be funny! I can just see little Miss Anabelle showing Brady the ropes as this will be her second year in preschool.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Soccer Has Started

Back in April, I signed Anabelle up for soccer. The next few months after that we tried getting her pumped up about playing soccer, but she wasn't into it and told us that she didn't want to play soccer. I didn't know how she was going to be for the first practice, which was this past Tuesday night.

As usual, I was running late for the first practice, and Brady wouldn't get out of the car. I had to call Jason at work to have him talk to Brady and that worked. There were many teams on the field, so it was an obstacle trying to find Anabelle's team. I walked past about five teams asking if this was Anabelle's team before I found the right one. I was a sweaty mess. It was one of the hottest days of the year.

Once we found her team, her coach, Julie, took Anabelle over to where her team was practicing. She toted with her her pink soccer water bottle that mommy had bought her. To my surprise, she loved the game!! I was so excited. She had so much fun!

When the kids were done with practice, the coach treated the kids to popsicles. After we left, I took the kids to Dairy Queen for some ice cream. I promised Anabelle that once she got her tonsils out that I would take her and never did, so I followed up on my promise. It was a perfect night for ice cream!

The next practice was Thursday, so that day I went to MC Sports and bought Anabelle some girly pink and black soccer shoes, a pink soccer ball, pink shinguards, and pink socks. I also stopped by Target and found Brady a spiderman soccer ball. When I got home to show them everything, they were so excited. Then it was time to get ready for the second practice. The weather that night was much more pleasant and had a nice breeze. Anabelle couldn't wait to get there. She loves playing and loves to take breaks for a drink out of her pink cup.

The only bad thing about the practice field is that there are only two port-a-potties that are ALL THE WAY across the field. Brady brought along his new Spiderman bottle filled with juice and he had to go potty about three times. After the first time of walking all the way to the port-a-john, I thought the heck with this. (He's kind of a slow walker! :)) So, the next time he needed to go potty, I took him over to our car that was just steps away, opened the passenger door, and let him go potty on the street. I know...I know...probably not the best thing to do, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Jason hasn't been getting to the practice field until later because of working so much, so a mommy's gotta do what a mommy's got to do!!

There are a couple of people that we know that are on Anabelle's team so that makes it nice. One of the parents asked me if Anabelle was in ballet or something because she just seems to be so graceful. When Jason showed up that night, he laughed at me and asked what the heck Anabelle was wearing and that this is supposed to be soccer. She had purple shorts and a purple shirt on and pink soccer socks. I told him that is what she wanted to wear! :) She is our little girly girl.

After practice got over that night, the kids played at the park with some of the other kids, and then I took them to McDonald's for dinner. It is starting off to be a great season! She's already asking me everyday if she has soccer.

Today, we have soccer pictures!

Here are some pics from last Thursday...her second practice....(she is the one in purple and pink)

Crazy Brady on the sidelines!

Anabelle with her Daddy

Anabelle, Daddy, and Brady

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tuned In

A few nights ago, as I walked past the living room, this is what I saw....

I thought it was so cute how they were watching TV side by side. It was definitely a "Canon Moment!" You can't tell that they love to watch cartoons...can you??? :)

Washing Mommy's SUV

Tonight, Jason washed my SUV with a little help from the kids. It was a much needed wash! Thanks guys! The kids gave Jason a little wash too! :)

Belle's favorite pose!

You can tell in this picture that Jason's shirt is getting soaked!

Anabelle...soaking the sponge for daddy!

Wash it baby!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


This week Jason and I received our new cell phones, and I upgraded our package to include 200 text messages a month for each of us. Texting is the craze now, and I always thought the heck with texting...I will just pick up the phone and call the person. But, this week, I sent my first text messages and love it! It is nice not to have a long carried out conversation if you just need to leave a quick message for someone or just have a quick question. I may not be real fast at it yet, but will get there!

I love being able to send pictures too! The other day when we pulled in at the store, I took a picture of each of the kids when they were still buckled in their carseats and then sent them to Jason. I knew what he was going to think...that I had taken these pictures when I was flying down the highway. Come on...give me some credit! :) When he got home from work, I asked him, "So did you get the pictures that I sent you?" He said (kind of upset :)), "Yeh, did you take them while you were driving?" I said, "You know...I knew you were going to think that. No, I took them in the grocery store parking lot!"