Sunday, February 17, 2008

Time Out X Two

This morning as I was cleaning, Anabelle came in with a cookie and said, "Mommy, here is a cookie for you." I told her that mommy didn't want a cookie, and then I quickly went to see how many "grammie cookies" were left. Come to find out...she saved the last one for me! Somehow she was able to get the "grammie cookies" that we made yesterday down from the counter. She shared them with Brady and saved the last one for me. Brady's face was all "cookied" up. Jason and I had a little talk with the kids about the cookies and asked them if they were supposed to have the cookies. Brady's answer..."Yeh." We explained to them, as we have before, that they need to ask mommy and daddy before they get something. They were both put in time out for getting into the cookies without mommy and daddy's permission. I guess it was a good thing that we ate a lot of them yesterday! I can just picture them in their hay day eating the cookies, jumping around, and watching cartoons! :)

1 comment:

Jackie said...

oh oh....good thing we only made a half batch of the cookies! Geez....I feel like I should be in "time out" now since they were "grammie cookies"...hee..hee..
Love you all,
Mom xoxoxoxoxox
So...we'll have to make more cookies now....:)