Sunday, September 7, 2008

6 Years of Wedded Bliss

Today, Jason and I are celebrating our 6th year wedding anniversary. I can't believe that it has been 6 years and two kids later already. It has been a wonderful six years together! We have been through a lot together, and I am so glad that he is the one that is by my side. He is a wonderful husband and daddy! He is also a really hard worker and a great provider for our family. He has blessed me with two of the most amazing kids that a mommy could ask for!

He gave me the sweetest card this morning, and he wrote in it that his card is "redeemable for one new washer and one new dryer at my store of choice." I've been putting off buying them even though our washer sounds like it is going to come through my wall every time it runs! So, this week, I think I will FINALLY buy a new set. I have already done the research and know exactly what I want!

He is currently in bed with strep throat, so we will not be doing much today. I just will be taking care of him and maybe mowing the grass.

Here are some pics of us through the years!

1998...When we first started dating

At my best friend Stacy's wedding ... we look like a couple of young kids!

September 7, 2002

One of my favorite wedding pics

It makes an awesome decoration in our home
The two brown leis above are from our hotel that we stayed on our Maui honeymoon. When we go back, we will need to take these necklaces and the hotel will exchange two browns for two whites. Hopefully, these necklaces will be all white some day!

By far, our two greatest accomplishments...our children

My family, my life!

I just love being on this roller coaster ride called life with him! We just planned our first family vacation to Florida, and I cannot wait to go! I'm sure that we'll make some great memories!

I love you Jason!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Not that you look old now or anything, but you do you extra young in the picture from you friends wedding.

Jackie said...

Happy Anniversay Jason and Kelli....and Jason...I was going to tell you Happy Anniversary..but knowing you are letting you sleep and get better!! Wow...6 years ago today we were at our house taking pictures....then the wedding....and wonderful reception...what fun and how happy that day was! I knew the minute I met you Kelli that Jason had his life companion and best friend. You two are great...and you have accomplished a lot in the last 6 years....with more to enjoy and look forward to. You have done a alot...been through a lot...and as you know....that is what makes a marriage and your love grow.
Happy Anniversary I (we) love you both.
P.S...You guys DO look really young in that picture from Stacy's wedding....!! And at our house too!

The Mrs. said...

Happy Anniversary, Kelli and Jason! Your wedding pictures were gorgeous - at the last minute we couldn't go because The General was sick, but I'm sure your reception was a blast!

I'll never forget Jason's bachelor party either. We had only been married a couple of weeks and it was the first time The General went out without me after our wedding. And what did he do? He left his wedding ring on the bathroom counter (by accident, he claims). I still remind him of that.

Here's to many more wonderful years together!