Monday, November 3, 2008

Kids Eating Lunch and Loving Their Cheetos!

On the weekends, the kids do not take naps at their normal nap times. They try to hold off as long as they can, but when they finally go down, they are out! A couple of weekends ago Brady was so tired during lunch, but he just couldn't resist eating the rest of his cheetos!

As you can tell from Anabelle's facial expression, she was NOT ready for a nap! :) She was ready to go go go! We were both chuckling at Brady when he was zoning in and out. Sometimes when he starts nodding off, we tell him "Wake up Jeff!"

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Oh my God...I am still laughing!! Brady can always bring a giggle to my day....I kept waiting for him to knock his "noggin" on the counter!!! I even wanted to yell..."Wake up Jeff"...hee..hee..
love you and thanks for sharing that one! And Anabelle you silly got ants in your pants???