Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kindergarten Roundup :(

So...I received the Kindergarten Roundup letter in Brady's pre-school folder yesterday. I cannot believe that my baby is going to be in Kindergarten already. I will be calling first thing Monday morning to set up his appointment for May 5th. I just wonder what teacher he will get. I would just LOVE for him to have Anabelle's teacher as I think she is one of the best! Someone once told me that having the teacher that Anabelle has was like winning the lottery. What Anabelle has learned so far in Kindergarten is truly AMAZING! The other night when we were at the library, a woman commented how good she reads for only being in kindergarten. Whoever Brady gets as a teacher will be the lucky one. He is a great kid and is sure to make them smile everyday! :)


Aunt Nicole said...

You have the best sweetest kids ever......I think you have done a great job Kelli...and Jason too of course!

Kelli said...

Awww...thanks Nicole!! They really are a couple of great kids! We couldn't have been any luckier! :)