Sunday, December 4, 2011

Random Update - It's Been Awhile! :)

As I'm on the computer doing some Christmas shopping, I thought I would update my blog since it's been awhile. Here are some pics of what we've been up to the past few months....

We took a trip to see Santa last weekend...on her list this year...Play Wonder Doll, Fur Real Cookie Puppy, Baby Alive, Victorious Singing Doll, Pink Fijit, and Monster High Dolls

Brady took awhile to talk to Santa because he went through everything on his list, including the Blue Fijit, Mario Kart DS game, Kirby Returns to Dreamland Wii game, Super Scribblenauts DS game, Harry Potter 5-7 years DS game, drum set, and Lego Sets

(P.S. Santa is actually already done shopping this year for them...yeah!)

Jason celebrated the big 34....

I celebrated the big 33...

This is Brady, aka Indiana Jones, during the parade at his school

Belle, aka a dead cheerleader, at her school parade. This is the second year in a row she wanted to be this...I caved this year and let her be it.

Indiana Jones and the dead cheerleader ready to get some serious candy!

Our jack-o-lanterns

Cleaning out the pumpkins
At the pumpkin farm

They love to get their faces painted there...

After we finished the corn maze :)

A trip to the zoo...

She broke her right arm falling of the monkey bars at Brady's soccer game on Saturday. After spending the whole day at the zoo on Sunday, we took her to the ER on our way home because she kept favoring her right arm all day and Jason noticed it was a little swollen. Diagnosis at ER was a buckle fracture and we were to follow up with a doctor the next day...and cast it was! She ended getting it off on October 28th....just in time for Halloween! :)

Picture Day...2nd grade

Picture Day...1st Grade