Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Allybug!!

Happy Birthday to my niece, Allybug! I can't believe that you are already how time flies!! I still remember the day that you were born like it was yesterday. It was a warm and VERY windy day. I thought that I was going to blow away with your balloons and gift bag when I was walking to the hospital to come see you for the very first time. I was so excited to see you. You were such a cute little peanut that has grown into a beautiful young lady. :) Hope you had a great day!! We love you!!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Night Out With My Girls

Last weekend, three of my best friends and I went out to dinner. We had such a great time! A night of fun, food, and laughter...can't beat that! :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Kurli*Cues Boutique

For all of you who have little girls, be sure to check out Kurli*Cues Boutique's etsy site. There are a bunch of really cute girls hair accessories that are handmade. I just won a free giveaway! YEAH!!! I am SO excited!! I will be receiving a pink and brown argyle headband for my daughter that she is going to look just darling in!!

Kurli Cues Etsy Site:

Kurli Cues Blog:


Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Favorite American Idol = Lee Dewyze

He had a great performance last week. He is improving more and more each week! He had so much more confidence last week than the previous weeks. Go Lee!

Ready for School

Here are a couple of pics I took a few days ago of the kids and I getting ready to leave the house to start our day.

Here's Brady....can't forget his Leapster, which will be soon replaced with a DS for his birthday...that day can't come soon enough. :)

Here's Belle...sporting her ON pajama pants and her most favorite shirt in the whole wide world from one of her favorite people...her mom. She is also wearing a headband of which she has come to love wearing all the time.

Helping Daddy Make Mashed Potatoes

Last week, I made stuffed peppers for dinner, and the kids helped their daddy make mashed potatoes. Brady even helped peel the potatoes!

15 Minutes of Mommy Magic

All Clean!! Well as clean as it gets...these kids have soooooooooo many toys!! :)

Can you tell which room the kids were playing in????

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Kindergarten Roundup :(

So...I received the Kindergarten Roundup letter in Brady's pre-school folder yesterday. I cannot believe that my baby is going to be in Kindergarten already. I will be calling first thing Monday morning to set up his appointment for May 5th. I just wonder what teacher he will get. I would just LOVE for him to have Anabelle's teacher as I think she is one of the best! Someone once told me that having the teacher that Anabelle has was like winning the lottery. What Anabelle has learned so far in Kindergarten is truly AMAZING! The other night when we were at the library, a woman commented how good she reads for only being in kindergarten. Whoever Brady gets as a teacher will be the lucky one. He is a great kid and is sure to make them smile everyday! :)

What a Sweetheart

Last night as I was waiting for my friends to pick me up for our girls night out, Brady looked at me and said, "Mommy, I really like your hair and your shirt. You look pretty tonight." It was the sweetest thing ever! :)

No Cavities!! YEAH!

Yesterday, I went for my 6 month checkup/cleaning at the dentist office, and I'm happy to report that I have no cavities and that all my flossing has paid off! YEAH!! :) It was interesting listening to the two people next to me that came in for their appt. I heard the one guy say that he hadn't been to a dentist since 2008, and the dental hygienest was giving him a hard time for not being in to see a dentist in so long. When she asked him if he was having any problems with his teeth, he said, "Three of them." Then, he went into a lengthy conversation with the problems that he had been having with them. Oh boy! When the dentist came in to see him, I heard him say, "Sounds like we have alot going on here." The guy chuckingly said, "Yes, we do." I hate to be an eavesdropper, but he was RIGHT by me. I got a good little laugh out of the guy's demeanor about the whole thing. He just didn't seem to really care and just wanted them to fix his problems. :)

Then, there was a lady patient on the other side of me that struck up a conversation with her dental hygienest. She also had not been to see a dentist since 2008. She didn't understand how it could have been so long because she takes her kids to the dentist quite often with them having braces. Then they got to talking about some police/ambulance activity that took place at the lady's kid's school, so the lady called the school to make sure everything was okay. The school let her know that her son was fine and that it was to do with something else. The dental hygienest then proceeded to tell the lady that some 16 year old girl had just passed away from a car accident. The lady told the hygienest that she lost her sister at 30 years old 15years ago, and that time doesn't heal a just learn to cope.

Needless to say, it was quite an interesting dentist appointment! I was just glad to have no cavities and to learn that the inflammation in my gums have went down! :) Back in six months! I just hope that Belle and Brady have as much luck as I have had in the teeth department. Anabelle has already had one cavity filled, so hopefully when the kids go back for their checkup in May, they both get good reports too!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring is Almost Here

It has been so nice out this week. I think winter and the snow are finally over!! Spring will be here in a few weeks, and it has me thinking of how our yard will look very soon and how the kids will be able to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Belle's Kindergarten Concert

A couple of weeks ago Anabelle had her Kindergarten concert. It was really cute, and all of the kids did such a wonderful job! Belle looked like such a little grown up up there on that "stage"...seems like just yesterday we were welcoming our little preemie into the world. She has grown up so much in her first year of school...can't believe she will already be in 1st grade in the fall! She will be able to show her little brother "the ropes". :)

Brady having his own little party in the audience :)

So Silly!

Belle with her daddy

Another Vaca Pic - Myrtle Beach @ Sunrise

Our Scary Little Man

The other night Brady came out to the kitchen looking like this...

He had his Jason mask on with one of his swords poking through the eye of the mask.

Our silly little man! :)

8 Years and Counting

Last week, I celebrated by 8 year work anniversary. I can't believe it has already been that long! I started working at my job pre-marriage and was sure different back then, but I wouldn't have it any other way now. Right after college, I started working as an accountant for a moving company. My commute was waaaayyy too long, and I knew that my next job would definitely be much closer to the house. After about a year of working there, my good college friend, Jill, let me know that her new company she started working for had a job opening for an accountant. I quickly updated my resume and went in for a couple of interviews and it was history after that...and eight years later, I'm still there and don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon.

There are so many things that I like about my job...the people, the commute, the atmosphere, the benefits, the flexibility when my kids are sick, the fact that we are still busy in these hard economic times, etc. One thing that I am not too fond about is the vulture who cannot be decent around food. Slurping the fruit out of the ladle is a little much for me.

I am glad that I chose to be a working mom. It can be a bit overwhelming at times, but I think that it has benefited my kids in many ways...they have play dates every day, they learn A LOT, they are very outgoing, their immune systems are building, they get to be in many activities/sports, they get to go on vacations that many kids may not have the chance to go on, they are provided for very well, etc. If I was a stay at home mom, I don't think they would have the opportunities that they do now. They sure wouldn't be able to go to work with their daddy for "Bring Your Kid to Work Day". Anabelle LOVED coming with me to work last year, and this year Brady will be able to join fun!! :)

The next few months should be interesting at work as there are a lot of changes taking place. Not to mention...within the next few weeks we should be learning of our raises and bonuses! :)

Next week, I just need to push that second box of candy bars a little harder that I am selling at work for Belle's cheerleading fundraiser. :)