Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Potty Training is Officially Under Way!!

Over the past weekend, I decided it was time for Brady to wear big boy underwear. The size 7 diapers that he is in have been snug for awhile and he will be three in a few months, so it was time to take the plunge! He has had a few accidents, but today his teacher left me a note that said "Doing great on the potty!" YEAH for Brady!! He even woke up from his nap dry!

My baby is getting to be such a big boy! And when I say "big boy underwear," he really is in "big boy underwear," boys size small (6-8)...and they even seem a little small! It was funny the other day when Jason was at Walmart. I told him to pick up some more boxer briefs for Brady. He called me while at Walmart and said, "Are these by the baby stuff?" I told him no and that he needs to go to the little boy section to find them. :) He looks so cute in his little man underwear.

He is struggling to go poopy on the potty chair, but what toddler doesn't? Jason is currently in the bathroom with Brady trying to make him go. He only "goes" at night.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Time for New Brakes (AGAIN!!)

Somehow, all three vehicles that I have ever owned always needed major brake jobs. Jason tells me that it's the way that I drive, but I think it has to do with the make of cars!! Today, he is changing all of my brakes and rotors at 35k miles. It will be so nice tomorrow driving and not having to hear that awful grinding noise when I go to stop! YIKES! :) Thank goodness I have a handy man because we would be racking up the mechanic bills! Thanks babe!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

"It's Good To Be Us" by Bucky Covington

This weekend as I get caught up on one of my favorite shows, American Idol, I thought I would post another video from another past American Idol star. His name is Bucky Covington, and he was in the 5th Season (2005/2006). He made it to the top 12. His identical twin brother, however, was cut from American Idol early on that same season, but as you will see in the video, he is Bucky's drummer now.

I love this song and video because "it's good to be us!" :) We've been blessed with each other, two wonderful healthy kids, great friends and family...what more could you ask for?

P.S. For those of you who watch the show, I think this season Danny will take the place of Sanjaya from last season! Oh crap!

"He's Mad!"

The other night as we were watching TV, Brady was drawing on his doodle board like he always does. When he was done drawing, he picked up the doodle board to show us his creation and he said, "He's mad!" After looking at what he drew, Jason and I just looked at each other and laughed! It was hilarious! Not bad for a two year old! :)

I think he is going to be a future artist. He LOVES to draw!

Here it is...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ears Pierced 1 Year Ago

Tonight, I noticed that one of Anabelle's earrings were broke. One of the hearts came out of the prongs. So, I switched her earrings to her "diamond" ones. It got me thinking of when we had her ears pierced. It was Sunday, February 18, 2007...almost exactly a year ago. All that weekend I kept thinking that it would be a good time to take the plunge and get her ears pierced. She was two almost going to be three in a few months, so I thought it would be a good time. So, the four of us headed to the mall with all intentions of getting her ears pierced. She was excited but didn't understand that it came with a little pain. We headed to Claire's, and there was a line of little girls waiting to get their ears pierced. After watching two little sisters, probably about 18 months old and 4 years old, get their ears pierced, Jason took Brady out of Claire's. He told me that if I wanted to get Anabelle's ears pierced that I would have to do it by myself because he didn't want to see Anabelle go through what those little girls did. A few minutes went by, and Anabelle and I left Claire's too. I was thinking how can I put her through that?? We walked around the mall for about an hour pondering on whether or not we should go back. As we were walking, we passed by the two little girls that we saw getting their ears pierced. They were fine...all happy and eating ice cream with their pretty little earrings. We decided to go back to Claire's and get the job done.

We waited in line for a little bit. I picked out what kind of earrings that I wanted for her starters. They were pink flowers with a "diamond" center. I signed the waiver so if anything happened you couldn't go back to the account of Claire's...geez...that was a little scary! It was just a couple of piercings! What could possibley happen? Anabelle got in the chair and was all excited. The lady marked on her ear of where the earrings would go. Then, the "guns" were placed on each ear and CLICK....DONE...SILENCE..THEN...CRYING AND ALLIGATOR TEARS OH MY!! I quickly got her down from the chair and hugged her trying to comfort her telling it was okay and to look at her pretty new earrings. They gave her a green sucker for being such a big girl, and of course, mommy had to buy her something. She picked out a couple of flavored chapsticks, which was the start of the CHAPSTICK QUEEN.

Every once in awhile I'll ask Anabelle what happened when she got her ears pierced, and she will hold her hands out in front of her in a fist and say "CLICK". Then, I will ask her what they gave her, and she always remembers that it was a GREEN sucker. I also ask her what did mommy buy you when you got your ears pierced...her answer, "Chocolate Chapstick." In fact, I just asked her a couple of days ago, and she gave me the same responses. Man does she have a good memory or what...or maybe it was just such a memorable experience. I am just glad to have it done because I think the older she would have got the harder it would have been to get her in there to get it done!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Our Valentine Sweethearts

Last week, the kids and I made over 60 Valentine's Day cards for their friends. Anabelle drew an "A" on all of her cards, and Brady drew a circle on all of his. Anabelle helped me assemble all of them. Brady wasn't too interested in the assembly process!

Our Valentine Sweethearts...aka...our future heartbreakers!

Time Out X Two

This morning as I was cleaning, Anabelle came in with a cookie and said, "Mommy, here is a cookie for you." I told her that mommy didn't want a cookie, and then I quickly went to see how many "grammie cookies" were left. Come to find out...she saved the last one for me! Somehow she was able to get the "grammie cookies" that we made yesterday down from the counter. She shared them with Brady and saved the last one for me. Brady's face was all "cookied" up. Jason and I had a little talk with the kids about the cookies and asked them if they were supposed to have the cookies. Brady's answer..."Yeh." We explained to them, as we have before, that they need to ask mommy and daddy before they get something. They were both put in time out for getting into the cookies without mommy and daddy's permission. I guess it was a good thing that we ate a lot of them yesterday! I can just picture them in their hay day eating the cookies, jumping around, and watching cartoons! :)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My New Office

Last Friday, I spent most of the day at work packing up my stuff to get ready to move into my new office. It's really nice! It's freshly painted, has new carpet, and has a nice big window. I will miss the cubicles because it was really nice just to be able to talk to my co-workers without getting up! :) One nice thing about the location of my new office is that it is right across from the bathroom. I have a new chair on order and the window blinds will be in on Thursday. I can't wait for the blinds...I am getting a killer glare on my computer screen that is quite annoying!!! I am now unpacked and ready to get back to work!

Take a look!

View from my window

Friday, February 8, 2008

Brady Went Potty!!

This morning when Brady woke up, his diaper was still dry. I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to see if he would go potty on the potty chair. We walked to the bathroom, and I told him to try to go potty on the potty chair. He sat down on the potty chair and he went! It wasn't like the times before when just a few drips would come out. He let it all out! He looked at me and said, "I did it!" He was so happy. I couldn't believe he held it all night long! I, of course, had to reward him for a job well done, so I gave him a couple of M&M's (at 6am!). Hopefully, this trend will continue. It would be great not have to worry about diapers anymore. YEAH Brady! We are so proud of you!

Cheerleader & Bugers

Today, when I picked the kids up from "school," I saw a list that Anabelle's teacher posted about each kid and what they wanted to be when they grow up...Anabelle's answer...a Cheerleader....Really Cute, but that won't cut it to take care of us when we get old! We'll have to work on that one! :)

Tonight, as I was picking my hair out after showering, Brady came in the bathroom and opened the drawer where we keep the Qtips. He grabbed one out and cleaned his ear. As he pulled the Qtip out and looked at it, he said, "Mommy, Bugers." Too funny!

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Last Sunday we took the kids out sledding to Todd's field. Jason pulled me and the kids around in his big sled with his four wheeler. It was a lot of fun! Anabelle had to wear her sunglasses because it was too bright out. Brady ended up falling asleep toward the end of the ride. Here are some pics of our little adventure! :)

Brady had to wear three pairs of pants because his snowpants didn't fit...see below! :)

After sledding, the kids and I headed to McDonald's for some lunch. We were there for a good hour because it took a long time for the kids to eat. They kept yelling "Hi" to everyone that they saw. They were carrying on a conversation with the cashier girl. It was funny! Then as we were leaving, they had to make sure to say "Bye" to everyone too.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

"Are You Happy For Me?"

This phrase "Are You Happy For Me?" was started quite awhile ago by Anabelle. Whenever she gets into a little mischief and she knows that I am upset with her, she asks me, "Mommy, are you happy for me?" While she asks me, she tilts her head to the side and gives me the cutest smile. My heart melts and I tell her, "Yes, mommy is happy for you." How could anyone still be upset with such a cute question and the way that she asks it?

Now, Brady has learned this same phrase from her (minus the "Are"). He gives me that same tilted head with the cutest smile and says "Mommy, you happy for me?" It is just the cutest thing!

Kids...they say the darndest things!

A couple of nights ago Anabelle burped and started laughing saying, "Mommy, that tasted like strawberry milk."

Our Sick "Little Buckaroo"

After being at work for a half hour today, I received a call about Brady. I was told that he threw up, so I quickly left work to go pick him up. My poor little man! When he saw me walk through the door, he immediately gave me a frown and started to cry like he knew why I was there to pick him up because he wasn't feeling good. It was so sad! He is now resting watching "Go, Diego Go!." He's been telling me, "Mommy, my tomach hurts." I hope my little man's "tomach" feels better soon! It is nice to be home before we get this next winter storm because I am sure rush hour will be terrible.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Rodney Atkins Video - "Watching You"

This is another great video that I just absolutely love!! Everything in this video reminds me so much of the two most important men in my life...Jason (my big man) and Brady (my little man)...all the way from the boys riding in the jeep together (besides the fact that our Jeep is Gold!:)) to "holdin momma's hand," to the "camo pants," to "fixin things," to the boys riding the four wheelers!

Our little "Buckaroo"....."fixin things" with Daddy's hard hat on! Of which...he loved so much that he just had to take it to show and tell on Friday!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Carrie Underwood's New Music Video - "All American Girl"

I just love this new Carrie Underwood video! Thanks to American Idol for bringing this fantastic singer to light! Go American Idol! I love the show!

This song/video puts such a big smile on my face as it makes me think of our baby girl as she is our "All American Girl."

Our "All American Girl"

Snowy Days

We now have about a foot of snow and it's got me thinking alot about summer and how I can't wait for it to be here!!

So....instead of having days like this:

We'll be having days like this:

Can't wait!! :)