Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Barber Shop Has Opened In-House

A couple of weeks ago, I bought a new hair clipper set because lately when Brady has been getting his haircut, we haven't been too happy with the way it has turned out. So, I have decided that we are just going to cut it ourselves (or should I say that daddy will be cutting it). He did a pretty good job on it, and Brady was a such a good little customer. A few days after cutting Brady's hair, Jason decided to just cut his own hair too.



Sunday, April 27, 2008

"I'm She"

This is a phrase that Anabelle has been saying quite a bit these days when she is watching TV. She'll see a girl on TV and say "I'm she" and will go to the TV and point to "she."

A few days ago she was watching "Tom and Jerry." For those of you who remember the episode where Tom tried to trick Jerry with a wind up girl mouse that talked...well, Anabelle pointed to her and said, "I'm she."

Kids come up with the darndest things!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Silly Kids

Last week, the kids wanted me to take pictures of them being silly, they are!

Just Couldn't Stay Awake!

One night last week Brady was watching TV and just couldn't stay awake! He must get that from me! :) He looked so cute...I just had to take a picture!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Future Class Clown

Tonight, as I was cleaning up after dinner, Brady came to me and said, "I pooped mommy." As he turned around, I saw the lumpy poop sticking out of his little boxer briefs. After being potty trained and finally pooping on the potty chair, I couldn't believe that he just pooped his pants, and he was laughing like it was funny. I said, "Brady, why did you do that?!?!" He started laughing some more, and then he pulled out his "poop." He had stuffed a sock in his butt, and told me he pooped. It really looked like he did poop! What a little stinker!! I couldn't believe he just played a joke on me, and boy was it a good one! We laughed so hard together. We played the poop joke on daddy when he got home, and he thought it was quite clever too! :)

Then, a little later after playing his joke on me, he came to me looking like this....

He never ceases to give us a good laugh...he is our Future Class Clown. Only Brady....:)

Field Trip to The Children's Museum

Yesterday, Anabelle and I had a "girls day." We went on her preschool field trip to the Children's Museum. We had to board the bus at 8:30 am. As we were getting on the bus, I kind of got a little teary eyed thinking that my baby is all grown up and is now going on her first school bus field trip. Little emotional me...I just seems like yesterday that she was learnig how to crawl!

When we got to the museum, my group consisted of me, Anabelle, and her best friend "Lex". Their teachers always tell me how glued at the hip they are, and I noticed it first hand yesterday. Wherever Anabelle was, Lexi was right by her side and vice versa. It is funny that at three years old they already have a best friend.

There were so many fun things for the kids to do. We didn't even get to do everything. Anabelle and Lexi's favorite thing was the play grocery store and restaurant. Anabelle's other favorite thing was the slide and play area. They also enjoyed painting in the "plexi glass" room. There was just so many fun things to do. While the kids were in the grocery store, Anabelle and Lexi each had their own shopping cart. At one point, Anabelle filled hers up, but Lexi still had a lot of room in hers. I heard Anabelle say to Lexi, "Hey Lexi. How 'bout we switch carts." It was too funny! Smart girl! She wanted to keep on shopping! :)

We ate our bagged lunch at 11:45, and then played some more. We got back on the bus at 1pm and headed for home. On the way home, Lexi wanted to sit with me and Anabelle, so we all sat together. The girls ended up falling asleep on the way home. They were wore out! It was a great day! The kids (and I) had a blast! Can't wait to do it again!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Trip to the Zoo on Such a BEAUTIFUL Day!!

Today, Jason and I took the kids to the zoo. It was such a beautiful day...sunny and about 70 degrees! The kids were so well behaved and the weather was absolutely wonderful! It was just such a nice day! Anabelle walked the whole day, and Brady walked a good portion of the day, so they should sleep good tonight!

Here are some pictures of our day:

Girls Night Out

Last night, me and four of my friends had a "Girls Night Out." We went to a mexican restaurant and had a wonderful time. The food was great, the strawberry margaritas were tasty, and the conversations were flowing!! My stomach was hurting so bad from laughing so hard. It was so fun to reminisce and to catch up with everyone!

There was a guy that all the girls thought looked like someone we went to high school with, but I didn't think it was him, and I kept telling them that I didn't think it was. Krissy, Stacy, Julie Beth, and Alicia all started waving at him . As he stood up to leave with his woman, they all realized that it was not him and were embarassed.. We were busting up laughing! He had to have seen all of them looking and waving at him. He was probably thinking..who the heck are these crazy girls?? I told them that I didn't think it was him, but they didn't want to listen to me. :)

After getting back into town, we went to Krissy's house and sat around the bonfire for awhile. It was nice and toasty!

Thanks to Alicia for rounding up the troops! We DEFINITELY need to do it again soon!! It was a great time!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy 30th Birthday Stacy!!

Thirty years ago today, an April Fool's baby was born. Her name is Stacy, and she has been my best friend for over 25 years! She is the sister that I never had. It just seems like yesterday we were playing barbies, having sleepovers (when I didn't cry that I wanted to go home), waking up in the middle of the night to get our late night snack (star crunches or those oatmeal cream cookie things), going to church camp, making prank phone calls, playing pinnacle, babysitting, driving around when we turned 16, camping out at the beach club...the list just goes on and on. We share so many great memories and good times together with many more to come! I hope you had a wonderful birthday! Happy 30th!!

2007 Halloween Video Clip

Today, I came across this cute little video clip from Halloween last year. Brady was a dragon, and Anabelle was Snow White. Brady walked slower than all of the other kids, so he gave Jason and I a really good workout by carrying him when he didn't want in the wagon! From time to time, when Anabelle gets in her dress up clothes, Brady will still ask to wear his dragon costume. In fact, he was running around in it last night.

I felt so bad for Anabelle because she was going to be a pink princess for Halloween, but Halloween Eve when I went to try her costume on her, it was too small! I had the costume for about a month too and never had her try it on because it looked like it would fit fine. She went to school on Halloween with a dress from her dress up clothes. I felt so bad, so...I went to the Disney store that day, and bought her the Snow White costume. She was so happy to be Snow White.

This year I will be sure to have the kids try on their costumes well in advance!! Anabelle has already told me that she wants to be Cinderella, and Brady wants to be a dragon again.