Sunday, September 21, 2008

Six Quirky Things About Me!

I have been tagged by the Mrs. at OCH to name six quirky things about me! I have been thinking about this on and off for the last couple of days and here are some things that I came up with:

1) Just like the Mrs., I have a cracking part on my body ankles!! If I am coming down a flight of stairs, my ankles sound like Rice Krispy cereal...Snap, Crackle, Pop! I don't know what it is but they crack ALL the time!! Kind of embarassing!

2) My maiden name is made up of only four letters, but...with no vowels...and ALL of the letters are contained in the last nine letters of the alphabet!

3) My first name is also my mother's maiden name.

4) My two toes closest to my big toe are webbed half way up! My mom thought this for sure came from my dad's side of the family...until she found out that one of my cousin's (on her side) had them too! (One of my brothers have them too!)

5) I don't know what it is about the way that I shop, but I seem to ALWAYS have something to return to a store. Currently, I have to make three returns...Old Navy, Walmart, and Kohl's. ARGGHHH!

6) I absolutely CANNOT stand when my kitchen floor has a smudge on it. My husband probably thinks that I am some crazed lunatic always washing the floor on my hands and knees!! If I am walking through the kitchen and notice a smudge, I will stop in my tracks, grab a washcloth and dish towel, and clean the spot right then and there!

So...there you go....six quirky things that some of you may or may have not known about me! :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Miss Kathie's 9/12/08 Note

Once or twice a week, Anabelle and Brady's preschool teacher, Miss Kathie, will write me notes letting me know how their day was at preschool. I knew that once Brady got into preschool he would be sure to win over Miss Kathie and Miss Mandy's hearts. He is just such a sweetheart!

Yesterday, when I picked the kids up from school, I read Miss Kathie's note about Brady, and this is what it read:

"Brady had a great day. He is such a sweet boy. He was making us laugh today when he was dancing. We love Brady. He is such a great kid! Have a great weekend!"

It is such a good feeling to know that Brady is able to lighten up someone else's day as much as he lightens up ours! He is just one of a kind. I have never met any other little kid like him. He is just such a joy, and I am glad that we can "share" the joy that he brings with other people because they would be missing out on such a great pleasure! :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

What a Difference a Day Makes!

Yesterday, Anabelle was sleeping on and off all day and just didn't feel good at all because of her strep throat. Today, she was bouncing off of the walls and had changed her outfit at least five times before noon. One of which was a swimming suit. She wanted to go swimming somewhere!

Boy, what a difference a day makes!

Here she is in her swimming suit ready to go swimming!

6 Years of Wedded Bliss

Today, Jason and I are celebrating our 6th year wedding anniversary. I can't believe that it has been 6 years and two kids later already. It has been a wonderful six years together! We have been through a lot together, and I am so glad that he is the one that is by my side. He is a wonderful husband and daddy! He is also a really hard worker and a great provider for our family. He has blessed me with two of the most amazing kids that a mommy could ask for!

He gave me the sweetest card this morning, and he wrote in it that his card is "redeemable for one new washer and one new dryer at my store of choice." I've been putting off buying them even though our washer sounds like it is going to come through my wall every time it runs! So, this week, I think I will FINALLY buy a new set. I have already done the research and know exactly what I want!

He is currently in bed with strep throat, so we will not be doing much today. I just will be taking care of him and maybe mowing the grass.

Here are some pics of us through the years!

1998...When we first started dating

At my best friend Stacy's wedding ... we look like a couple of young kids!

September 7, 2002

One of my favorite wedding pics

It makes an awesome decoration in our home
The two brown leis above are from our hotel that we stayed on our Maui honeymoon. When we go back, we will need to take these necklaces and the hotel will exchange two browns for two whites. Hopefully, these necklaces will be all white some day!

By far, our two greatest accomplishments...our children

My family, my life!

I just love being on this roller coaster ride called life with him! We just planned our first family vacation to Florida, and I cannot wait to go! I'm sure that we'll make some great memories!

I love you Jason!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Grammie's Visit

Today, Grammie came over for a vist. Our original plan was to go watch Anabelle's soccer game together and then go out for lunch, but that didn't happen. Earlier in the week, Brady had a fever so I missed Wednesday from work, and then Thursday, I got a call from school and Anabelle had a fever, so I left early that day and was out Friday.

Last night, Anabelle was running around playing with her daddy a bunch, so I figured we were still on for the soccer game and that she was feeling better. All night last night, she tossed and turned and had a really bad runny nose, so she was not in any shape to play soccer. Grammie still came over for her visit to see the kids. After visiting for awhile, I decided to bring Anabelle to the doctor, and good thing I did because she has strep throat! Grammie stayed home with Brady while Anabelle and I went to the doctor, which is so much easier than taking both of them! (Thanks grammie!)

I told the doctor that I should have brought Brady along too because he had a fever earlier in the week and I noticed little red dots in the back of his throat. She was nice enough to give me antibiotics for the both of them...thank goodness, so strep throat be gone!!

Some pics of our day!

Brady with his grammie

Anabelle wasn't feeling good enough for a pic with grammie :(


After...modeling the hat that grammie and papa got him

A side view

What my poor baby girl looked like most of today :(
She does not feel good at all!

Grammie called later to check on her

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Until Next Year...

This past weekend marked the end of summer. The beach is now closed. Over Labor Day weekend, the kids and I went to the beach on Saturday and Monday. The weather was perfect beach weather...sunny and 90 degrees. Alicia and her kids were there on Monday, so all the kids played together while we soaked up a little sun.

Here are some pics of our last weekend at the beach...

Taking time out to eat a snack

Jeremy playing with the kids - Braxton, Ava, Brady and Anabelle

Brady trying to use the bucket as a hat

Anabelle and the sand


Anabelle in the water

Scary Brady

Silly Brady