Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Field Trip to The Children's Museum

Yesterday, Anabelle and I had a "girls day." We went on her preschool field trip to the Children's Museum. We had to board the bus at 8:30 am. As we were getting on the bus, I kind of got a little teary eyed thinking that my baby is all grown up and is now going on her first school bus field trip. Little emotional me...I just seems like yesterday that she was learnig how to crawl!

When we got to the museum, my group consisted of me, Anabelle, and her best friend "Lex". Their teachers always tell me how glued at the hip they are, and I noticed it first hand yesterday. Wherever Anabelle was, Lexi was right by her side and vice versa. It is funny that at three years old they already have a best friend.

There were so many fun things for the kids to do. We didn't even get to do everything. Anabelle and Lexi's favorite thing was the play grocery store and restaurant. Anabelle's other favorite thing was the slide and play area. They also enjoyed painting in the "plexi glass" room. There was just so many fun things to do. While the kids were in the grocery store, Anabelle and Lexi each had their own shopping cart. At one point, Anabelle filled hers up, but Lexi still had a lot of room in hers. I heard Anabelle say to Lexi, "Hey Lexi. How 'bout we switch carts." It was too funny! Smart girl! She wanted to keep on shopping! :)

We ate our bagged lunch at 11:45, and then played some more. We got back on the bus at 1pm and headed for home. On the way home, Lexi wanted to sit with me and Anabelle, so we all sat together. The girls ended up falling asleep on the way home. They were wore out! It was a great day! The kids (and I) had a blast! Can't wait to do it again!


Jackie said...

I'm with you Kelli.....brought tears to my eyes too....thinking wow....she is getting to be such a grown up girl....has a best friend, her first field trip....and seems like just yesterday those nurses were telling Bill and I were that we were grandparents! She is one amazing little girl!

Jackie said...

and..that place looks like a LOT of fun!!! I want to go!!!!!!

The Mrs. said...

How fun that you got to be a part of that special day! I'm sure it's one you'll treasure always - they grow up WAY too fast!