Saturday, March 13, 2010

No Cavities!! YEAH!

Yesterday, I went for my 6 month checkup/cleaning at the dentist office, and I'm happy to report that I have no cavities and that all my flossing has paid off! YEAH!! :) It was interesting listening to the two people next to me that came in for their appt. I heard the one guy say that he hadn't been to a dentist since 2008, and the dental hygienest was giving him a hard time for not being in to see a dentist in so long. When she asked him if he was having any problems with his teeth, he said, "Three of them." Then, he went into a lengthy conversation with the problems that he had been having with them. Oh boy! When the dentist came in to see him, I heard him say, "Sounds like we have alot going on here." The guy chuckingly said, "Yes, we do." I hate to be an eavesdropper, but he was RIGHT by me. I got a good little laugh out of the guy's demeanor about the whole thing. He just didn't seem to really care and just wanted them to fix his problems. :)

Then, there was a lady patient on the other side of me that struck up a conversation with her dental hygienest. She also had not been to see a dentist since 2008. She didn't understand how it could have been so long because she takes her kids to the dentist quite often with them having braces. Then they got to talking about some police/ambulance activity that took place at the lady's kid's school, so the lady called the school to make sure everything was okay. The school let her know that her son was fine and that it was to do with something else. The dental hygienest then proceeded to tell the lady that some 16 year old girl had just passed away from a car accident. The lady told the hygienest that she lost her sister at 30 years old 15years ago, and that time doesn't heal a just learn to cope.

Needless to say, it was quite an interesting dentist appointment! I was just glad to have no cavities and to learn that the inflammation in my gums have went down! :) Back in six months! I just hope that Belle and Brady have as much luck as I have had in the teeth department. Anabelle has already had one cavity filled, so hopefully when the kids go back for their checkup in May, they both get good reports too!!

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