Thursday, March 13, 2008

What A Guy!

Last night, I was not feeling so well. I cooked dinner, fed the kids, and I was done! When Jason got home, I layed down on the couch and slept for most of the night. I woke up in the middle of the night to find that Jason was one busy little daddy after I fell into a deep needed sleep after trying to stay up to see who was voted off of American Idol.

He cleaned up after dinner time, washed the dishes, dried them AND put them away, did laundry AND folded some, gave the kids a bath, did Anabelle's hair (this is an involved process that includes brushing, blow drying, brushing again, and putting it up in a ponytail), cleaned up the TORNADO of toys in the living room (before dinner time Brady decided to dump everything out of the toy box in hopes of finding his duck call), put the kids to bed, and then took a shower. I don't think the poor guy even got to eat dinner! When he was done showering, he gave me a kiss as I was still sleeping on the couch to let me know he was going to bed. It was almost 11 o'clock! I need to be sick more often! :) j/k

To top it all off, he had a ROOT CANAL done at noon yesterday! That sure didn't stop him. What a guy! Thanks babe!!


Jackie said...

takes after his mom...:)

Anonymous said...

Do I have you two mixed up with another Jason/Kelly combo? That's doesn't sound like the Jason I thought I knew. Did I spell your name wrong?

Kelli said...

No, have the right Jason/Kelli combo...what a guy, huh?? And yep you sure did spell my name wrong. I'll let it slide this time! :)