Saturday, September 13, 2008

Miss Kathie's 9/12/08 Note

Once or twice a week, Anabelle and Brady's preschool teacher, Miss Kathie, will write me notes letting me know how their day was at preschool. I knew that once Brady got into preschool he would be sure to win over Miss Kathie and Miss Mandy's hearts. He is just such a sweetheart!

Yesterday, when I picked the kids up from school, I read Miss Kathie's note about Brady, and this is what it read:

"Brady had a great day. He is such a sweet boy. He was making us laugh today when he was dancing. We love Brady. He is such a great kid! Have a great weekend!"

It is such a good feeling to know that Brady is able to lighten up someone else's day as much as he lightens up ours! He is just one of a kind. I have never met any other little kid like him. He is just such a joy, and I am glad that we can "share" the joy that he brings with other people because they would be missing out on such a great pleasure! :)

1 comment:

The Mrs. said...

Tag - you're it. Check out my blog for details!