Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What....a RAISE AND a BONUS????

Yep, that's right!! Yesterday at my performance review with my boss, I was informed that I would be receiving a raise AND a bonus this year...payable to me next week as a matter of fact! I am so thankful to be working where I am because not many people today could probably say that they are actually being awarded with a raise AND a bonus in these hard economic times.

I know that a lot of people are currently being layed off, taking pay cuts, having to take days off unpaid, looking for employment, etc... I am just so blessed that Jason and I have good jobs that continue to be stable in this economy. Jason is actually on overtime if you can believe that.

We are just very blessed to have what we have, that we are able to continue to live the life that we have come accustomed to, and that we are able to provide our kids with everything that they need and more.

P.S. I see another vacation on the horizon! :)


Anonymous said...

Good for you....good things happen to good people! You are lucky that is for sure....what more could you guys need in your lives?......Remember what I have always said.......EVERYTHING happens for a reason!!!!

Aunt Nicole said...

Why doesnt my name show up on that comment...darn it....I am not annonymous!!!!

Kelli said...

Thanks Nicole!! You and John are great people too! You'll have to check my facebook in a couple of days...I will be posting pics of Anabelle's two black eyes! My poor baby girl!