Friday, May 8, 2009

I Will Miss You Cafe Time!!

Every Friday at 10am, my place of work puts on Cafe Time where the mailroom clerk goes to Jewel and buys lots of food...cookies, crackers and cheese, fruit, vegetable tray, trail mix, bagels, etc. It's a time where everyone visits with one another for about a half hour and fills their bellies. It would be my breakfast/lunch for the day. My plate was always F-U-L-L!

As of this week, Cafe Time has been cancelled to cut back on costs. It will be revisited in the fall. Although I will miss eating all of the great food and chatting with my co-workders, it will be good thing for my waistline! I will also not miss watching that FOOD VULTURE who scrounges up the crumbs with his fingers and then eats over the damn food! Can you tell that I really can't stand him? LOL!

Here's a pic of my plate from a few weeks ago that I texted to my hubby when I was chilling at Cafe Time! :)

1 comment:

Aunt Nicole said...

My kind of job!!!!