Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fully Recovered....WooooHoooo!

Brady had surgery on Wednesday, May 27th to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. He was so excited to get them taken out because his sister had the same thing done. His recovery went really well. The first few days after surgery he didn't even sleep as much as I thought he would have...barely at all. I think the next week is when it hit him. He slept quite a bit. I always thought that he had a high tolerance for pain, and now it has been confirmed. He didn't even complain that much about his throat hurting.

After waking up in the recovery room, he ate three popsicles. The nurses said that he was one of the best little patients that they have ever had. His voice has changed a little bit. It was so cute hearing him talk after surgery. He sounded like a little chipmunk. :)

It is weird how each kid is different in their recovery! Anabelle's recovery seemed a little more difficult. I am just glad that they both are done with the surgeries, and the sicknesses will be gone! And not to much better they can breathe!!

Now that he is fully recovered, we can enjoy our summer...Beach, Vacation, etc.... here we come! :)

Here are some pics...

On the way to the surgery center...happy as a lark

Ready for surgery...still being his silly little self

Happy???...Not so much. Finally realizing that this was not all fun & games :(

At home the day after...fell asleep waiting to eat...wore out!

Thanks to everyone for all of your calls and get well wishes for a speedy recovery! It was truly appreciated! Thanks also to my mom for offering to come out and stay with us during his recovery to help out!

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