Saturday, February 27, 2010

Countdown to My New Cell Phone

Exactly one month from today, I will be sporting a new cell phone...the Iphone! I cannot wait!! Jason got one back in December and just loves it, and I do too! I didn't think that I would want one, but after seeing his and seeing all the stuff that he can do with it, I really want one now. I'm up for a new phone on March 27th, so hopefully the one that I have now will hold out until then. It is dying a slow death. It makes for texting a pain in the butt because it's been freezing up; doesn't receive long texts all the time; doesn't have a keypad...the list goes on and on. We do a lot of texting...between the both of us ...incoming and outgoing there are about 5,000 a month! Lots to talk about I guess. :) Thank goodness for the unlimited text plan!!


Aunt Nicole said...

You and Jason are IN you know that comes down to 166 texts per day! You guys are to funny...I need to get on the plan and get a phone that texts...then your numbers are really going to go up, especially with all the funny shit we always have to laugh about!!!! You crack me up!

Kelli said...

Nicole, You definitely need to get texting! I never thought that I would want it either, and now I LOVE it. We started out with the 200 texts a mth plan about a year and a half ago, and now are up to 5,000 a month...CRAZY!! I tried calling you yesterday, but nobody answered...give me a call. :)