Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mommy!?!?!....What?!?!...I LOVE YOU!...I LOVE YOU TOO!

This is something that you would hear in our house probably about 10+ times a day. If I am not in Anabelle's sight, she starts to freak out a little. So..throughout the day...she'll yell, "MOMMY?!?!". I yell back, "WHAT!?!?". Her response is, "I love you!" and I tell her, "I love you too!" She is then at peace knowing that I am still in the house somewhere and didn't run off. :) At times, I will not say "What!?!?" just to see what she would do...uh...yeh...bad idea...she starts freaking out running through the house searching for me crying, "mommy...where are youuuuuuuuu?" Then I pop out of nowhere, and she cries saying, "Why did you do that?" ...bad mommy :)

I thought this would be an issue with her starting kindergarten, but she has done just fine. I guess being in daycare since she's been 15 months old has made her adapt very well to these kind of environments. However, her teacher did tell me that she does get worried at the end of the day about missing her bus. :(

I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I was such a worrywart when I was little too. One of the many things that I used to freak out about when I was little was about my parents' gas tank being close to empty. ;)

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