Saturday, August 23, 2008

Soccer Game #2

Today was Anabelle's second soccer game. It was a hot, humid August day. She did a great job! She had her first try at being goalie, and both times the ball came her way, she blocked it!! YEAH!! Her team ended up losing (3-1), but when they are that little who really cares anyway? It is just so fun to watch them and cheer them on. One of her coaches came up to me at the end of the game and asked if I saw her when she gave the ball a really good kick. I must have missed it when I was tending to Brady...shoot!

It is really nice to meet all the parents and to make new friends. I sat by Kim during the game. Her, her husband, and two kids are neighbors to our good friends Danny and Jenny. We all actually went trick or treating together last year, so it is nice to see her again and to chat. I was helping her keep track of who made goals because she was the lucky one to be picked as the publicity parent.

After the game, I let Anabelle know how proud of her I was and what a good job she did! I treated the kids to McDonald's, and then we took a trip to the grocery store. It was the first time that I've been back to the store with the kids since Brady had his little episode there a few weeks ago. They were wonderful for this shopping trip! YEAH!!

Now we are off to a birthday's a busy busy weekend for us!

Here are some pics of our day (so far)!

Anabelle on the bench taking a break

Anabelle posing her favorite pose

Kim's son, Carter, and Belle

Wore out!

My sleepy little soccer player!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Good game Anabelle!! And good cheering for Anabelle Brady!
love you....grammie xoxoxoxox