Sunday, February 24, 2008

Time for New Brakes (AGAIN!!)

Somehow, all three vehicles that I have ever owned always needed major brake jobs. Jason tells me that it's the way that I drive, but I think it has to do with the make of cars!! Today, he is changing all of my brakes and rotors at 35k miles. It will be so nice tomorrow driving and not having to hear that awful grinding noise when I go to stop! YIKES! :) Thank goodness I have a handy man because we would be racking up the mechanic bills! Thanks babe!


Jackie said...

maybe it runs in the family....we are having new brakes installed on the suburban today....but paying for the job as no one handy around here...hee..hee....also...we have lots more miles on our brakes than you do....sooo.....???

Anonymous said...

How many times has Jason been in charge of putting the brakes on? Could that have anything to do with you needing them so often?

Kelli said...

My first vehicle..a red sundance, my little "rollerskate" as my brother would say was never repaired by Jason. The mechanics charged me $600 to fix the brakes on that car when I was in college. I almost fainted...what college kid has $600 to blow on brakes??? My second car he had changed a couple of times, and this is the first time with my third vehicle...okay I admit maybe it is the driver! :)

krissy said...

That's funny because I have the same problem with my cars. If my dad is to busy I usually have to take it in somewhere to get fixed. Dan is always complaining that I'm too hard on the breaks!... I guess some habits are hard to break.