Friday, February 8, 2008

Cheerleader & Bugers

Today, when I picked the kids up from "school," I saw a list that Anabelle's teacher posted about each kid and what they wanted to be when they grow up...Anabelle's answer...a Cheerleader....Really Cute, but that won't cut it to take care of us when we get old! We'll have to work on that one! :)

Tonight, as I was picking my hair out after showering, Brady came in the bathroom and opened the drawer where we keep the Qtips. He grabbed one out and cleaned his ear. As he pulled the Qtip out and looked at it, he said, "Mommy, Bugers." Too funny!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Unless she is a cheerleader for a big football team! And Brady and Ashton are on the team....:) YEA Brady!!
love you all....xoxoxox