Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Potty Training is Officially Under Way!!

Over the past weekend, I decided it was time for Brady to wear big boy underwear. The size 7 diapers that he is in have been snug for awhile and he will be three in a few months, so it was time to take the plunge! He has had a few accidents, but today his teacher left me a note that said "Doing great on the potty!" YEAH for Brady!! He even woke up from his nap dry!

My baby is getting to be such a big boy! And when I say "big boy underwear," he really is in "big boy underwear," boys size small (6-8)...and they even seem a little small! It was funny the other day when Jason was at Walmart. I told him to pick up some more boxer briefs for Brady. He called me while at Walmart and said, "Are these by the baby stuff?" I told him no and that he needs to go to the little boy section to find them. :) He looks so cute in his little man underwear.

He is struggling to go poopy on the potty chair, but what toddler doesn't? Jason is currently in the bathroom with Brady trying to make him go. He only "goes" at night.


The Mrs. said...

Good luck Brady (and Kelli & Jason) on the potty training. It's by far one of the greatest parenting challenges we've faced to date. Here's hoping for speedy success!

Anonymous said...

My Sammy has just started wearing the big boy underwear and he too likes to pretend like he has no poopy until we get the diaper on him for bedtime. Frustrating indeed but he hasn't pooped in his underwear yet. Knock on wood!

Jackie said...

Good job Brady!!! Grammie is very proud of you!!!!!
love you!

Kelli said...

Thanks Mrs., I hope it will be speedy! The worst is leaving home...hoping that there will be no accidents! Punkin will be next! :) old is Sammy? Good luck on Sammy's potty training. We can share stories! :)